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Army Reserve Program

Experience adventure outside the everyday with a flexible, part-time role designed to fit with your lifestyle.

Add an exciting dimension to your work and personal life in a role as an Army Reservist whilst continuing your studies as part of TAFEs partnership with Army.

As an Army Reservist, you'll experience rewarding work, training and camaraderie unlike anywhere else.

There are roles for all skill levels, backgrounds and interests. Army offers a wide range of exciting and diverse roles. Army can also recognise your existing trade or skills.

The Army Reserve can work alongside full-time civilian employers and provide benefit to their business. Eligible employers receive ADF employer support scheme payments when staff are released for training or exercises.  The employer will also benefit from skills and experiences their employee gains in the Army Reserve. Army Reservists obtain training in common employment areas such as first aid, equipment maintenance, time management, team skills and communication.

Army Reserve Program | Students (2 MB) (PDF document)

Applying for the Army Reserve through the program will provide you with many rewards:

  • Be supported through the recruitment process with a dedicated mentor.
  • Earn tax-free pay in a workplace unlike any other.
  • Have Army pay for any required travel, food, accommodation, and uniforms.
  • Meet people from all walks of life that share your mindset.
  • Earn qualifications that will transfer to your everyday work and life.
  • Rewarding way to give back to the community and country.
  • Build your confidence, leadership, and technical skills.
  • Develop long-lasting friendships
  • Opportunity to explore career pathways in Defence while you study.
  1. Find out more about the Army Reserve and available roles.
  2. Attend an information session on Campus or at 13 Brigade, if desired.
  3. Apply to the Army Reserve
  4. Complete application process including medical, psychological and fitness assessments.
  5. Appoint/enlist into the Army Reserve.
  6. Attend required training.

Can I remain in WA?

Yes, you have the opportunity to remain in WA throughout your Army Reserve career, at a local unit in close proximity to your home location. However, if your personal circumstances change you can apply to transfer to a unit interstate.

How much will I get paid?

Your pay as a Reservist will depend on your role and qualifications, and will increase as you complete training courses. You will be paid a tax-free daily rate for each day you work and train, and engage in exercises and deployments. You will also receive food, accommodation and free medical care while on deployments and training

What will be my commitment each year?

Once trained, you will be expected to complete a minimum of 20 days of service each year.

Reserve service is flexible, you are expected to attend Parade Night at your home unit (usually on a Tuesday night) and will have the opportunity to attend training courses, exercises and operational deployments. Depending on your role, you may have the option to select additional work days/times.

How long is the training, and do you have to take it in one block or can you break it up into smaller blocks?

This depends on the training course you are completing. For example, your initial Military Training at Kapooka must be completed in one continuous three-week block.

However, initial employment training, where you learn the specific skills required for your chosen role, will vary depending on the role.

Will I get deployed?

Deployments are voluntary. Types of deployments can vary, which is why they’re so exciting. It might involve being stationed at a temporary facility on combat, disaster relief or peacekeeping and aid operations.

What roles are available in the Army Reserve?

You can choose from a wide variety of part-time roles in the Army Reserve in areas such as administration, combat, hospitality, logistics and traditional trades.

View all jobs and find an exciting and rewarding part-time role or head to an information session in your area to find out.

What are the fitness requirements?

Depending on the role you’re applying for, you’ll need to complete a specified number of exercises during the Pre-entry Fitness Assessment (PFA). Reaching the minimum fitness level required for entry is well within most people's capability.

Review the health and fitness page for more information and helpful guides.

What are the eligibility requirements?

  • Australian citizen or permanent resident (eligible to apply for citizenship).
  • 17 – 60 years of age.
  • Sufficient general fitness to pass a PFA.
  • Education varies on method of entry:
    • Soldier: At least Year 10 completion with passes in English and Maths.

    • General Service Officer: Year 12 with passes in ATAR English and three ATAR subjects.

    • Special Service Officer: Degree and experience relevant to role.

  • Some roles require a valid probationary licence or higher.

Still looking for answers? Visit the Army Reserve FAQs page.