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Pet Grooming Clinic (Murdoch)

Do you have a furry friend in need of some careful grooming attention?

Students in Pet Grooming accept bookings from the general public to the pet grooming facility at Murdoch campus. At the clinic students gain hands-on experience serving clients, taking care of animals and extending their skills in pet grooming.

Before booking in your dog, please note that dogs will need to be happy to be touched and clipped.

To book, call 9229 8437 anytime.

Outside of student hours, please leave a message with your name, dog's name, preferred grooming day and call back details.

During student hours (Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays) a student will work with you to book your preferred day and will give you indications of cost of service, which is dependent on the size of your dog.

Dogs able to be groomed must be in good health and will require their C5 certificate of vaccination to gain access to the grooming salon.


On arrival, please drive to the loading bay to the eastern side of room F1 and bring your dog to room F1 reception on a lead. Please note dogs cannot walk through other areas of Murdoch campus in the safety interests of other students and staff. 

You will need to plan to spend about ten minutes with your pet grooming student where details of the need for the clip and your dog's current health will be discussed. You can then leave your dog in the care of students who are fully supervised by qualified lecturers.

Your dog will be crated when not being groomed and at regular intervals students will monitor health signs, drinking and toileting of all dogs to make sure they are most comfortable and well. This gives students the opportunity to exercise their animal health skills in addition to their grooming skills.

You will be given a more exact time by your grooming student upon booking for collecting your dog at the end of the day, but plan for a 3pm to 4pm pickup time.