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Essential 8 Assessment Course

Essential 8 Assessment Course

State ID 09194P
How cyber secure is your organisation?

Gain the skills and knowledge required to accurately assess an organisation’s security posture against the Essential Eight using the Essential Eight Maturity Model.

This course has a been designed for people already working in a technical ICT discipline with a minimum of 2 – 4 years of experience.

Students work on the computers.


Campuses Murdoch

When Semester 2, 2024

Study Mode On Campus

The Essential Eight Assessment Course has been designed and developed by the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD), through the Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC), and is delivered by TAFEcyber through TAFE colleges.

The course provides the underpinning skills and knowledge required to accurately assess an entity’s or organisation’s security posture against the Essential Eight using the Essential Eight Maturity Model. This maturity model describes three target maturity levels based on mitigating increasing levels of adversary targeting and tradecraft.

Upon meeting the specified pre-requisites (successfully completing the training course as well as the assessment exam) participants are awarded a certificate of completion.


The assessment is in the form of a supervised, open-book examination conducted at the conclusion of the training course. Participants may consult internet resources and are expected to use software tools to execute specific tasks on target machines to answer some of the examination questions.

To maintain the integrity of the assessment exam process, each participant's work must be original. Collusion with other participants is strictly forbidden. Any infringement of these conditions will result in the participant's disqualification from receiving the completion certificate and they will be ineligible to retake the assessment.

A minimum score of 80 per cent is required to pass the assessment exam. Participants achieving a score higher than 60 per cent may be offered an opportunity to re-take the assessment exam within a reasonable timeframe, without having to re-enrol in the training course.


Upon successful completion of the training course and the assessment exam, participants will be awarded the "Certificate of Completion of the ACSC Essential Eight Assessment Course".


The course is conducted in a suitable face-to-face instructional environment and includes a specially-designed lab environment. Each participant is provided with an adequately equipped workstation, complete with the necessary tools required by the course and the capacity to interact with other virtual machines on the same network. This environment is specifically designed to facilitate the operation of the requisite testing tools.


The SM TAFE team of qualified instructors deliver the course. They possess a minimum of a Certificate IV in Information Technology and have completed extensive professional development in Cyber Security. Each instructor has at least 5 years’ of industry and/or teaching experience in a related field and has successfully passed the assessment exam.

Important information

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Semester 2, 2024


When Semester 2, 2024
Where Murdoch
How On Campus


National ID Unit title
09194 Essential 8 Assessment Course

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