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How to become an apprentice or trainee Part 2

Securing an apprentice or trainee employer can be a daunting task. Professionals can help!

So you’ve talked to your family and friends and heard their stories about how they found work. You may find their advice doesn’t work for you, so where to next? 

There’s plenty of help available from people who are in the know, and the best news is that many services are absolutely free. We’ve shared a few of the best for you here.

Method 2: Enlist the help of professionals


OPTION 1: Job search services and career advisors

The best advice will come from a professional careers advisor. 

They’re qualified (they’ve studied how to become a career counsellor) and have access to up to date industry and jobs data. They know where the jobs are and how to apply, they know the skills that are required to get those jobs and can even do a skills and aptitude test with you to help you work out exactly what your next step is.

Take for example the Jobs and Skills Centres at Mandurah, Rockingham and Thornlie campus – they’re an initiative of the state government and their job is to help get you skilled and ready for employment.  Their services are free to anyone, not just registered job seekers. They also help people who are school leavers, are career changers or those who have been unemployed for some time.

You  can make a one on one appointment with them by calling 13 64 64 or visit the Jobs and Skills Centre page. They will ask you about your interests and what skills you have already. They will want to know if you have family commitments, have a disability that can be a work or study barrier, and what your goals are for work. They will match your needs to opportunities that suit you and then help you build a plan to be ready to apply for jobs. 

They work closely with AASNs and can provide referrals for you to the right service to help you reach your goal. They also know study pathways: not only can they help you with TAFE study, they can find a course for you available from any registered training organisation.

They even provide free workshops to help you fine tune your resume or hone your interview techniques! A practice session with them before approaching an employer can be an excellent opportunity to get non-judgemental advice and constructive help for improving the way you present yourself to employers! For more information visit the Jobs and Skills Centre page.

OPTION 2: Employment agencies and Group Training Organisations

The job of an employment agency or Group Training Organisation is to find the right candidate for a job, the business is their client. 

Employment agencies can fill roles across a great variety of work types and each will tend to specialise in an industry or job type. For example, an agency might place workers for labour hire on construction projects, another will focus on office administration or executive roles, and then there are the kinds of agencies that focus on an industry such as accounting or information technology.

Group Training Organisations specialise in the construction industry. They play a big part in recruiting apprentices, just like agencies do for trainees, but they also hire out their staff to host employers, which can be really handy when a contract finishes for a project, and a new company needs staff for a new contract elsewhere.

To find an agency or Group Training Organisation, research directory listings and read their website to find out about the kinds of jobs they list. You will need to provide your resume, usually on email first before you are invited for an interview. 

The agency or Group Training Organisation interview is a little like a job interview, except they are screening you, not just for the job they have listed, but for future jobs they may take on. They may ask you to perform tests, such as typing, or provide hard copies of your qualifications or references for their file to share with employers. If you’re not the right fit for a current job, they will build a profile for you and keep your details at hand. Be ready to receive a call down the track offering you interview opportunities out of the blue!

When they do forward you for an interview with an employer, they will give you advice about the employer and the kind of person they are looking for, the style of organisation and the structure of staffing you can expect the role will be situated. They may even give you advice about how to dress appropriately, what you should bring, such as a portfolio of work and how to get to the interview.

After the employer interview, the agency will pass along feedback about how you performed. If you are the successful candidate, they will sometimes assist in finalising the contract arrangements with you, or hand you over to the person responsible with the organisation. They will continue to be in contact with you and the employer while you get ready to start your job. If you are a temporary staff person, the agency may be responsible for collecting your timesheets and paying you. If so, they will seek regular contact with you to understand how you are performing.


OPTION 3: Apprenticeship and traineeship information websites

Getting people into apprenticeships and traineeships is a big deal for federal and state governments as they reduce skills shortages and unemployment. There are many government funded organisations ready to help you find an apprenticeship or traineeship, and our list is a good place to start.


The Australian government’s apprenticeships website 

Find an AASN (Australian Apprenticeships Support Network) provider near you and helpful advice and links to help you understand your journey to becoming an apprentice. 


Australian apprenticeships pathways website

All pre-apprenticeships, apprenticeships and traineeships career pathway information and job hunting advice is here in one helpful hub for you to explore. They also offer an app so you can have all the info with you on the go.


OPTION 4: Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) providers

There are organisations near you that are already looking for people to start apprenticeships or traineeships. It’s their job to work with organisations, so they have contacts and can put you in touch with employers, plus they often have jobs boards on their website, ready for you to browse. They also offer personalised advice for the best apprenticeship or traineeship to suit your goals and can help you with information to provide to a potential employer such as financial incentives.

For more information and advice, call the Australian Apprenticeships referral line on 13 38 73.

To find out about apprenticeship and traineeship employment opportunities, contact your local AASN provider in WA on the contact links below.

The Apprenticeship Community

Apprenticeship Support Australia

MEGT Apprenticeship Network Provider

This article is part two of a series of four blogs to help guide students, career advisors and parent/guardians to navigate the journey to becoming an apprentice or trainee. If you've found this article beneficial, you should read the first or next part in the series!

If at any time you want assistance in working through your options towards an apprenticeship or traineeship study pathway, contact our Jobs and Skills Centres for an appointment.