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Reboot your career and get IT qualified at SM TAFE

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20 June 2024

It’s end of semester one at SM TAFE and hundreds of students across our campuses are graduating with new qualifications. We caught up with IT students Rebecca and Gemmalyn to find out - why choose IT? Both students completed the ICT40120 Certificate IV in Information Technology (Networking) which is currently fee free*. Applications are now open.

"It’s good fun and also just the hands-on elements in the course I do like as well. TAFE has simulated being in the workforce pretty well; I feel like I’m going to enjoy it being out there and putting skills forward."


IT student - SM TAFE

The IT industry has never been more prevalent; just think of our digital transformation across work, study and life, and how we rely on the expertise of IT professionals to keep us connected and productive around the clock, 24 hours a day.

How many times have you needed support with your computer or internet connection, or called the IT helpdesk at work? The industry is integral to every business and SM TAFE can provide you training in a strong IT employability pathway.

SM TAFE graduates Rebecca and Gemmalyn undertook the course ICT40120 Certificate IV in Information Technology (Networking) which can be completed in twelve months and is currently fee free.*

Rebecca said she was unhappy in her previous line of work and didn’t know which direction she was going. She did some research into industries where employees were happy and satisfied in their work.

“I found a forum dominated by people in IT saying how much they loved it and I applied the next day,” Rebecca explained.

“The people in the course kept me coming back every week. It’s good fun and also just the hands-on elements in the course I do like as well. TAFE has simulated being in the workforce pretty well; I feel like I’m going to enjoy it being out there and putting skills forward,” she added.

The SM TAFE course helped Rebecca get her foot in the door with a part-time role as IT Support Technician at an architectural firm which she started six months into her course. With her qualification now complete, Rebecca will take the role on full-time.

Gemmalyn is an international student originally from the Phillippines. She says her training has given an overview of the real-world which makes the course content relevant.

“I enjoyed the hands-on experience, especially practical exercises and real-life scenarios that we’re doing in assessments. You learn how to manage a network, build and design networks; we’ve also learnt cloud computing. I wanted an industry recognised certification, which I’m hoping to be an advantage for me when I find a job,” Gemmalyn explains.

She adds her advice to anyone thinking about applying for the course would be go for it.

“The course won’t give you limited opportunity to just networking but it will give you opportunities for cloud computing, cyber opportunities and also general IT, so I would say – go for it!” Gemmalyn said.

Want to get your head out of the clouds and into cloud computing?

The ICT40120 Certificate IV in Information Technology (Networking) can get you skilled in networking, customer support and cloud-related fields and is currently fee free.* Applications for Semester Two are now open.

The Centre for IT Excellence (CITE) at SM TAFE provides state of the art, industry relevant training in information technology. 

Check out the ICT40120 Certificate IV in IT (Networking). 

*This course remains FEE FREE in 2024! The tuition fees are 100% subsidised by the WA government for WA residents.

Some eligibility conditions apply for the free training, and other fees may apply for some courses. Please see the FAQs on our Skills Ready page for further information. Please note that eligibility requirements apply to some of the free training.