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Partner profiles

We are committed to developing partnerships and collaborations with industry, government and non-government organisations that progress our strategic priorities. The following partnerships support the college’s vision to becoming a leader in future skills.

SM TAFE has several exciting partnerships that are driving innovation in the VET sector, promoting jobs in the state and national economy, and supporting our local communities.

SM TAFE has been in a third-party agreement/partnership with the Abu Dhabi Vocational Education and Training Institute (ADVETI) since 2007.

The Australian Industry Group (Ai Group) is a peak organisation representing traditional, innovative and emerging industry sectors. In 2019, we partnered with the Ai Group to address the skills and knowledge required within Industry 4.0 manufacturing and engineering environments. 

AustCyber is one of Australia’s six industry growth centres and is responsible for the development of a strong and sustainable Australian cyber security industry.

SM TAFE has a long-standing relationship with Austal since 2007 onwards.

SM TAFE and the Charles Telfair Campus (CTC) in Mauritius have been in partnership since 2005 under a third party offshore delivery agreement.

We have a longstanding partnership with Chevron Australia to deliver the Women in Engineering program.

Cisco is a multinational corporation and worldwide leader in networking. As an authorised Cisco academy, SM TAFE benefit from Cisco’s expertise and global recognition to provide cutting edge training across our ICT courses.

SM TAFE has worked with Civmec to provide workforce development solutions and apprentice training in engineering / fabrication.

Defence West was established by the Western Australian Government as part of its Plan for Jobs. Its role is to grow the local defence industry and help deliver what Defence needs. We work closely with Defence West to identify the workforce requirements and deliver the skilled workforce to meet the demands of industry in delivering the upcoming defence programs.

In 2017, the hospitality and tourism portfolio at SM TAFE established a partnership with Flight Centre to deliver their national traineeship program across all stores in Western Australia. 

The national Future Battery Industries Cooperative Research Centre (FBICRC) was established in Perth in 2019 to provide industry-led research capability to grow Australia's competitiveness and contribution in the global battery industries value chain.

Over the past few years, Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) or drones have become central to functions across many industries. 

H2H Advantage Pty Ltd offers hydrogen course materials and training (non-accredited) to SM TAFE staff and students and graduates.

Find out more  

KBR’s relationship with SM TAFE is founded on over 20 years of collaboration to deliver a wide range of trade and post-trade training programs for the Royal Australian Navy (RAN).

Midway Community Care has been providing support services to individuals with a disability in the Peel region for over thirty years.

Moorditj Koort Aboriginal Corporation chooses SM TAFE as their training provider of choice for training in a culturally safe environment.

Read the Moorditj Koort Aboriginal Corporation partner profile(opens in a new tab)

Murdoch University and SM TAFE share the same geographical region student focus and strategic goals aligned to providing job ready outcomes for students.

Read the Murdoch University partner profile

As one of Australia’s largest aged care providers, Opal’s values of Compassion, Accountability, Respect and Excellence stand for C.A.R.E. which is at the heart of everything they do. 

Read the Opal partner profile(opens in a new tab)

SM TAFE partners with The 13th Brigade of the Australian Army to provide opportunities to take up Army Reserve positions in Western Australia, to enhance their skills set for future employment and to give back to the WA community through volunteering.

Read the 13th Brigade partner profile

SM TAFE in partnership with Rio Tinto and the State Government have collaborated with the WA resources sector to develop the first nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications in automation. 

The University of Western Australia (UWA) I4.0 ERDi Testlab is one of six testlabs established at Australian universities in 2019. Each testlab provides innovation support for small and medium enterprises in priority industry growth sectors and builds the skills required to capitalise on technological opportunities presented by Industry 4.0.

SM TAFE has been working with the members of the WA Zhejiang Higher Vocational Education Consortium resulting from the Sister State-Province Relationship Expansion Agreement between Zhejiang Province, People’s Republic of China and the State of Western Australia.

The Western Australian Defence Industry Workforce Office  leads the development of the WA Defence Workforce Development Plan working collaboratively with the other TAFE colleges and education and training providers. 

Read the WADIWO partner profile