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Students with a disability or a mental health condition

Student Support Services coordinate and implement support for students with disabilities, whether they are temporary or permanent. We provide reasonable adjustments and a range of services to ensure that you can participate in education and training on an equal basis with those without disabilities. Working in partnership with staff, students, and disability networks, our goal is to strengthen our culture of inclusion and provide students with every opportunity to achieve their personal aspirations and career goals.

Support Services are confidential and free and disclosure is voluntary. This service is available to students across all campuses.

If you would like to request support for a disability or need further information, please contact us at 1800 001 001 or email in a new tab)

Download fact sheet (365 KB) (PDF document - opens in a new tab)


If you would like to know more about our Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP), visit the Reports and Publications page.


Nearly one in five Australians has a disability. The definition of disability under the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1992 is quite broad. It includes physical, intellectual, sensory and learning disabilities, medical conditions and mental illness. 

If you think you have a disability, you are encouraged to approach the service directly and register for assistance in order to access support. Students with disabilities do not have to disclose unless they wish to arrange reasonable adjustments whilst studying or need to notify about a health risk to themselves or others.

Please note: even if you advised us about your diagnosed disabilities on your enrolment questionnaire, you should also make an appointment with a Student Support Advisor so that your support requirements can be discussed in more detail with you.

Required evidence

You'll be asked to provide current evidence from an authorised health professional outlining the functional impacts of your disabilities. Personal information provided to Student Support Services will be kept confidential and only for the purposes of being able to offer support and arrange reasonable adjustments. If you are a minor, Student Support Services will consult with you and your guardian about confidentiality provisions. 

In tertiary education, any support or assistance given to students with disabilities to assist with study is called a Reasonable Adjustment as outlined in the DDA legislation and Disability Standards for Education (2005). 

Reasonable adjustments refer to modifications or changes that give you the same opportunities to participate in education and training as people without disabilities. The types of Reasonable adjustments put in place will be discussed with you and will take into account your needs and abilities.

Reasonable adjustments must balance the inherent requirements of the course and the interests of all parties affected: yourself, the education provider, staff and other students.

Inherent requirements are the fundamental parts of a course that must be met by all students in order for them to be deemed competent. They are the abilities, skills and knowledge students need to complete the course - those components which, if removed, would compromise the learning outcomes. Please be aware that any proposed adjustments or support recommendations must also meet the inherent requirements of the course.

Some examples of Reasonable Adjustment are:

  • access to course material in alternate formats;
  • access to an Auslan interpreter;
  • access to assistive and ergonomic equipment; and
  • extra time to complete an exam (whilst maintaining the integrity of the assessment).

Reasonable Adjustment does not:      

  • give you an advantage over others and any adjustments must balance the needs of all parties affected;
  • modify course standards or outcomes (you will still need to acquire the core knowledge and skills outlined in the course and demonstrate competency in required tasks);
  • mean that the Student Code of Conduct or reasonable directions for occupational health and safety guidelines are not to be followed; or
  • guarantee academic success as you will still be responsible for completing the work and meeting the required standards.

Please note: Reasonable Adjustment provisions may also vary between Registered Training Organisations in their implementation and delivery.

Discuss your needs openly with the Student Support Advisor and let them know how they can help you. Be prepared to provide evidence of the nature of your disabilities and/ or other diagnosed conditions. 

Reasonable adjustments can take time to organise and may require several meetings. It's your responsibility to make contact and request support. 

You're eligible to register throughout the semester but the earlier you make contact to discuss your needs the better.

Stay in regular contact with your Student Support Advisor each semester. Your needs or personal circumstances may change over time so please provide updates and current contact details and be aware of your course unit census dates (available within the Student Portal). 

CAVSS and USIQ (182 KB) (PDF document) offer in-class support for students. This support involves a literacy or numeracy lecturer team-teaching with the vocational lecturer to assist all students with the learning process.

The role of the CAVSS/USIQ lecturer is to identify and respond to students’ needs by providing literacy and numeracy support to prepare them for assessment activities or to perform industry tasks.

Support is organised by the vocational teaching team when additional literacy and numeracy support is required. The support is available to the whole class. You may see the CAVSS or USIQ units on your enrolment confirmation.

Our Student Support team run regular study skills sessions for enrolled and registered students. 

Sessions are run on a weekly basis throughout the semester at various times across campuses to allow access for all students to attend. Topics include:

  • Familiarisation with Student Portal and other online tools
  • Development of organisational and time management skills
  • Awareness and a demonstration of technologies and software to support inclusion and accessibility
  • Notetaking, editing, summarising, research skills and assignment reviews

To get involved, contact the Student Support team on the form below to register.

Assistance animals

Please visit our Assistance Animals page for information on how we recommend visitors to campus can support the need for assistance animals on campus.

Use the form below to ask for the paperwork to register your animal.

Supporting your apprentice or trainee

If your apprentice or trainee requires support due to their disability, Student Support Services can coordinate and implement support remotely and across all campuses.

Students as carers

Are you a primary carer for someone with a disability, medical condition, mental illness or who is frail aged?

You may be eligible for some study adjustments to support you to participate equitably in your course.

To find out more, please contact 

Read Write Now

Get free help with reading, writing, maths, study or basic computer skills. Adults looking for assistance can get free one-on-one help from volunteer tutors.

You will be matched with a local tutor who will create lessons to assist with your study or everyday life tasks.

Call 1800 018 802 to begin or visit the Read Write Now website at in a new tab) .

Ability Program

Gaining Access to Training and Employment (GATE) is a bridging/preparatory course that enables learners to extend their general education prior to entering a range of vocational training programs, employment or community participation. 

This course is offered at Murdoch, Rockingham and Mandurah campuses. Download the flyer below to find out more: 

Download GATE flyer (499 KB) (PDF document)




Mental Health Contact Information

  • Police, Fire, Ambulance | 000
  • Lifeline | 13 11 14 (Crisis support, suicide prevention)
  • Mental Health Emergency Response (24 hours) | 1300 555 788 (Metro) | 1300 676 822 (Peel)
  • Suicide callback service (24 hours) | 1300 659 467
  • Kids Helpline (24 hours) | 1800 551 800

Contact Student Support Services

Phone: 1800 001 001


To ask our Student Support Services team to contact you, please complete the form below.